Pardon My Take's Football Guy Of The Week Nominees: Week 10

Congratulation to Lane Kiffin for winning FBGOTW for Week 9!

Alphaing an opposing player into faking an injury is quite the move, football guy for sure. 

Now for this week's nominees

1. Mike Leach, HC Mississippi State

Mississippi State has been struggling at WR for the past couple of weeks, so Mike Leach made the rational decision to take away all of his WRs chairs, so they work harder and get desired results. He also had quite the comments regarding lemonade and little fat girlfriends…

Football guy tho.

2. This Kid UVA

This kid is just having a time on the hill full, sending mudslides. That's fandom, that's fun, that's what it's all about. Nothing rallys a team like Mudslides.

3. Marcel Blasingame, QB Coldwater HS

This story comes from Sandusky, Ohio, Coldwater HS, which was down 3-0 at half to Huron HS, put in its senior injured senior who had a broken leg. The kid played with a leg that had been put back together with metal screws and bars and hopped in there to mount a comeback and win the game 14-3. That's insane that this kid probably had screws tearing up the tissue around it while playing football. Three weeks after a broken leg, this kid is scoring touchdowns. Football Guy.

4. Ben Chase CFB fans

Ben Chase has been to 39 college football games this year, and plans to go to 60. He has been going to about three games a weekend and has put 10s of thousands of miles on the minivan he has been living out of. That's commitment to the game, and that's a huge football guy move. I am not even sure if this guy has a house. He's just bouncing around the country in his minivan. The gas budget maybe less than rent. 

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